Heading level 1

Heading level 2

Heading level 3

Heading level 4

Heading level 5
Heading level 6

Sample paragraph with span.

Sample paragraph
with line break.

Sample bold text.

Sample strongly important text.

Sample italic text.

Sample emphasized text.

Sample highlighted text.

Sample computer code.

Sample smaller text.

Sample subscript and superscript text.

Sample deleted text.

Sampleinserted text.

Sample Image

Item No Name Quantity Price (USD)
1 Banana 10 pcs 2.35
2 Apple 3 pcs 1.50
3 Chicken Legs 1 kg 5.28
4 Bacon 1/2 kg 2.67
5 Ice Cream 1 Gallon 5.55
6 Flour 250 grams 0.85
7 Tomato 1/2 kg 1.16
8 Milk 1 liter 1.45
9 Sardines 1 can 1.34
10 Brocolli 1/2 kg 1.87
Name Hero Name Company
Peter Parker Spiderman Marvel
Tony Stark Iron Man Marvel
Bruce Wayne Batman DC
Clark Kent Superman DC
Diana Prince Wonderwoman DC
Bruce Banner Hulk Marvel
Steve Rogers Captain America Marvel
T'Challa Black Panther Marvel
Arthur Curry Aquaman DC
Barry Allen Flash DC

House cleaning

Fry an Egg

  1. Heat up pan
  2. Add oil
  3. Crack the eggs on the boling oil
  4. Add salt
  5. Add pepper
  6. Stir

Bold Text 1
Bold Text 2
Bold Text 3
Bold Text 4
Bold Text 5
Bold Text 6
Bold Text 7

Span text 1
Span text 2
Span text 3
Span text 4
Span text 5
Span text 6
Span text 7

Bold Text Red
Span text red

This is a hidden element
Visible div